12A Registration and Compliance Services

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Arpit Gupta

12A Registration and Compliance Services

Posted Date: 31 Jan

Updated Date: 01 Jan

12A Registration & Compliance (Tax Audit in Form 10B/Form 10BB)

My Startup Solution offers professional 12A Registration & Compliance services concerning the registration and compliance of 12A to all clients throughout the world. With the aid of our professional and experienced staff, clients are guided and assisted through the tiresome registration process. Clients can avail services like tax exemption, greater reputation, and more trust from donors and stakeholders because of our 12A registration services. All documentation, submissions, and correspondences are handled by our experts, so clients have the ability to concentrate on their main activities. We also provide direct indices with the clients that address their specific requests and problems.

What is 12A registration?

This is a registration scope for charitable trusts, societies and Section 8 companies. 12A registration online registration was designed to enable these organizations to claim tax exemptions from their income so that they can make use of it in a more efficient manner. The first step in claiming tax exemptions under Section 12 is to get registered, a process considered very important for organizations that claim to be charitable in nature. 

Who can apply for 12A & 80g registration?

To claim registration under this section, an organization has to fulfill a number of parameters. An organization seeking registration must be set up for the purpose of education, health care, and poverty alleviation. The applicant must have a defined constitution, a governing body and an accounting system in place. It also has to file its certified accounts and annual reports with the income tax department under the income tax act. At My Startup Solution, we are experts in your particular requirements, as well as the filing procedures that ensure the 12A registration process is completed without any issues.

Documents required for 80g and 12A registration

In relation to the registration of a tax-exempt public charitable trust, various documents necessary for trust 12A registration. The trust deed or memorandum of association, certificate of registration, an audited balance sheet along with income and expenditure accounts, and a note on activities of the trust or institution. Additionally, a trustee or authorizer declaration will need to be provided stating that the trust has never applied under Section 12A Nor has been granted registration under it. You may engage the services of My Start-up Solutions to document these procedures in a manner that ensures all stipulated documents are submitted on schedule.

How to apply for 12A registration online

To registration under section 12A, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the e-filing portal using your details.
  • Open "Forms "and go to "Form 10A.".
  • Fill out the form in accordance with the instructions, including the name and address of the trust or institution.
  • Reach the end of the form, add required documents like the trust deed, and audit the balance sheet
  • Make an online payment of the registration fees.
  • Complete the form submission and then print the acknowledgement receipt.

80g-12A registration new rules

A few recent amendments under the section have brought drastic changes into the process of 80G-12A registration services. There are two new amendments. First, the registration of trusts and institutions is now mandatory through the aid of the online e-filing portal, and second, the new Form 10A is now a prerequisite that must accompany a registration application to be filed by trusts and institutions. Moreover, the amendment brought forth additional registration restrictions, such as requiring trusts and institutions to have a verified record of charitable activities. The intended purpose of these changes is to increase accountability within the charity community.

12A registration benefits

With the registration under section 12A, non-governmental organizations and charitable institutions enjoy numerous advantages, such as some income tax exemptions that enable better allocation of available resources. Registered organizations also qualify for government funds and grants, which provide further resources. Furthermore, registration under Section 12A increases the organization's legitimacy and trust and confidence, thus allowing for greater support from donors and other stakeholders.

In addition, registered organizations do not incur income taxes on their surplus, enabling greater allocation of resources towards the organization's objectives. In summary, the registration of trust under section 12A is crucial for NGOs and charitable organizations that want to become recognized as legitimate charitable organizations.

Guidelines for NGOs needing 12A Registration & Compliance services

For 12A & 80g registration, all the non-profitable organizations must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Eligibility Criteria: NGOs and charitable organizations must have existence at the time of application and are validated for their readiness to conduct charitable activities and to have a governing body and a constitution.
  • Registration Process: The 12A registration process procedure involves completing Form 10A and submitting it with necessary documents like the trust deed and the most recently audited balance sheet.
  • Compliance Requirements: Registered NGOs and charitable organizations have a wide range of compliance subjects, like annual returns, as well as detailed accounts and other records.
  • Renewal of Registration: Registration in accordance with Section 12A requires subsequent renewal approximately every five years from the date of registration. 

For 12A registration online, connect with My Startup Solution today!

Feel free to reach out to My Startup Solution. You can Contact Us today at +91-7081220800 for all your 12A Registration & Compliance needs. Our experienced professionals will manage the registration procedure, ensuring you do not have to spend any time on tedious tasks. By opting for our services, you will be able to devote time to your core activities while we handle the registration compliance. All the necessary aid will be extended by expert employees to help you smoothly navigate the registration process. In addition to that, we provide compliance maintenance services to ensure that your organization stays compliant with all necessary rules and regulations.

Our Service


Frequently Asked Questions

12A registration service is offered to charitable trusts, societies and Section 8 companies. 12A registration online registration was designed to enable these organizations to claim tax exemptions from their income so that they can make use of it in a more efficient manner.

To claim registration under section 12A, an organization has to fulfill a number of parameters. An organization seeking registration must be set up for the purpose of education, health care, and poverty alleviation.

For registration under section 12A, a trust deed or memorandum of association, certificate of registration, an audited balance sheet along with income and expenditure accounts, note on activities of the trust or institution, and a trustee or authorizer declaration are required.

If you need 12A Registration & Compliance services, then you must connect with My Startup Solution at this number;+91-7081220800. Our professionals provide personalized services to every individual.

Registered organizations can avail of the government funds and grants, which provide further resources. It also offers greater support from donors and other stakeholders. In addition, registered organizations do not incur income taxes on their surplus, enabling greater allocation of resources towards the organization's objectives.



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  • My Startup Solution" isn't just about taxes. It's a holistic approach to financial management. From bookkeeping to tax planning, financial forecasting to compliance, we've got you covered.










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